Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Girls

Well, it has again been awhile since I posted. I will start off by saying that Landry's black eye is getting much better. I think Kathy (her babysitter) was close to reporting me to CPS. First Landry had a bruise from hitting the end table on her face, then not even a week later she was twirling around the living room and got dizzy and hit face first into the couch. She had a huge bruise on her right cheek that later turned into a black eye. Then she hit her head on one of the dining room chairs. She is unfortunately a very clumsy child. She gets that from her mother. Poor little Henley is teething and having a rough time with it. She really hurts more at night. We are trying teething tabs and cold teethers. Poor kid!! Well, I tried to do quite a bit of Christmas shopping on Saturday. It is amazing how much you can get done by yourself. Mom was able to watch them for awhile for me. I am posting a few of the recent pics of everyone. I really have not had a very exciting week so far. The Home Depot Christmas party is Sunday evening in the lumbar section ( yes, I said the lumbar section). Well, gotta go get supper!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hello Again!

Ok, so it has been awhile since my last blog. I started this and now I truly don't know if I am going to have time for it. I want to , but we will see. So I braved the crowds and strollers and took Landry and Henley to holiday happening today. I wanted to pull my hair out. Not only do people give you the look while you are approaching with a stroller and 2 kiddos, but they make absolutely no attempt to try to move for you to get by or look at anything! I did not go in one booth. I was very ready to leave and will try at all costs to avoid the situation next year. I am going to try to at least put up my tree tomorrow. I always do that the day after Thanksgiving, but I want to have it done and be able to enjoy the rest of the holiday.
My little Henley is really starting to try to talk to us. She started making this adorable sound with the paci in her mouth this week. I know she only does it when she is a little cranky, so I know she is really trying to give us a stern talking too. It is still cute anyway. She smiles so much at me now. I can't wait to see her in the morning or after work and she just smiles at me. I thought she just didn't like me for the longest time, so I am glad to see her coming around. I am very excited to only work 2 1/2 days next week. I am taking everyone on the Polar Express next Saturday, very exciting. My Landry sure seems to be growing up every day. I feel like I am talking to a teenager sometimes. Mike and I are going to have our hands full with her I am afraid.
Well, I can't wait to see Twilight!! I hope to see it soon. Mika got me addicted and so ready to see the movie. Even Mike is reading the series now.
Ok, so I have a baby that is not happy so I better be going for now.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New at this!!!

Well, this seems to be a new way to keep in touch with people and chronicle you life all at the same time. I thought I would give it a try! I am now on the countdown to having to go back to work. I have been home with my girls now for 2 months and I can honestly say that I fear I will have a really hard time going back. You don't realize what you miss at home when you are so consumed and busy at work. I though it would be easier the second time around, having to take Henley to the babysitter. I can't think about it yet or I already tear up. My poor friends at work are going to have to deal with an emotional mess when I go back the first day I am afraid.

I thought I would try blogging since several of my friends are doing so. I really don't think that I am an interesting , fun person that people care to hear about my day to day things. I will just see how it goes. Today is Sunday. My husband is at work and I am home with my girls. Hopefully today will be a nice day and I can get them both out for some outdoor fun. Today is pumpkin carving day when Mike gets off work. I am putting a few pics up of my family, if I can figure out how to do that on this thing. Most people know I am very techincally challenged.